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Мексиканский флаг на регате
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#1 tommmy
04.10.2003. 17:19:46
I like green and red
#2 America_Luver
04.10.2003. 17:21:00
The USA flag is much better. It doesn't have green in it though but it does have Red, White, and Blue in it. Red and White stripes with white stars on a blue background. Yeah and it has a song too! LOTS OF SONGS!
#3 Cierra ~*mexican pride*~
05.10.2003. 10:53:23
This flag rox!! ofcourse the american flag rox too!! so just shut up already n enjoy the freedom. =)
#4 mark saldivar
18.10.2003. 1:31:41
mexican pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#5 Yegor
24.10.2003. 12:14:55
Plz don't post offensive comments...
#6 ~*Diana chicana Pride*~
08.11.2003. 3:39:22
I am mexican american but i luv to represent my mexican homies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#7 p tweezie
08.12.2003. 5:57:28
#8 mexicana
09.12.2003. 0:56:32
I love the mexican flag I think its the better than the american one because of the beautiful colors and that bold looking eagle.
#9 ~La ShOrTy~
09.12.2003. 18:18:56
WuZ uP
jUsT wAnTeD tO SaY iM mExIcAn AnD pRoUd!!!So MuCh ReSpEcT tO mY TiGhT fLaG!!!!!!!! (LeTs NoT 4gEt BoUt U.s.A) wElL lAtErZ
mUcH LuV ~sHoRtY~
#10 Osukaru
10.12.2003. 3:02:40
VIVA MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!
#11 ~*Diana chicana Pride*~
12.12.2003. 2:09:37
yo go" la shorty" you know was up!
#12 Maria Martinez
12.12.2003. 4:16:36
When I see the banteria I think of the pride , color , stength , courage , and struggle of our people.When you think of the Mexicano Americano of two worlds intertwined together the love of two home lands the on going struggle of our people , the killing of culture for hundreds of years and the stength of a people so full of courage to cling to Azlan (reffering to the orgin of our roots) .No matter how the spaniards , or so called conquers striffed to strip us from the pride of who we our and what we stand for rejected by Spain and Indios America and Mexico for our Meztizo blood. Todays Mexican American stands alone still standing tall striffing to maintain our golden heritage , and yet daily failing to educate our youth about our historical cuture.Just as we know what the stars the red white and blue stands for can you truly say you know what the eagle the green red and white stand for ?See,we love who we are no one can take this away from us and I guarantee no one ever will !!!!!!!So next time you see a Mexican American look close into our eyes and see a stuggle thats been going on from generation after generation . Therefore Chicano embrace you're two cultures and be proud !!!!!!!
Que viva Mexico!!!!!!!
Que viva America!!!!!!!
May God bless us all!!!!!!!
#13 Lilibeth
13.12.2003. 23:33:45
The Mexican Flag Represent's are people and what we went thru in life "Mi Vida Loca" los Americanos don't care that we kill are own people and fight with them they talk junk about the Color Brown my Skin mi Gente and what I satand tall and proud for what you belive in"I see people of all diffrent color's and know Brown is better that all other's" but the American's are my people to and every Mexican American's people to,but there is one thing you should all know we are Mexican before we are American's we already have the Mexican Blood in our Vains the day we are born and that same day is when we bacome Citizens to another beutiful country.And let the Green White Red and Eagle show Represent our beutiful Gente and tierra.Que Viva Mexico Por Vida Homes !!! Por Vida !!!
#14 Pulaski24th
15.12.2003. 18:27:41
I'm mexican and i LoVe the mexican flag more than the American so THERE!! i said it
#15 Chicago
15.12.2003. 18:29:46
Im Pulaski24th and, I still like the mexican FLAG!!!
#16 brenda ortiz
17.12.2003. 17:34:28
i love the mexican flag vivia mexico!and sorry but i dont like the american flag
#17 princess
17.12.2003. 17:35:35
my flag is the mexican flag and viva mexico!
#18 baby girl
17.12.2003. 17:36:31
viva mexico thats all i have to say!
#19 laflacaloca
18.12.2003. 21:54:52
all I gotta say is that im proud of mi gente and raza... especially that tight ass flag that represents what we stand for....hell yeah... viva mexico cabrones.... dont talk shit about our flag, let us be proud of what we are.... :}
#20 shorty
19.12.2003. 1:39:27
mexico is a great place to vist perhaps mayan city
#21 el gorras
21.12.2003. 6:12:01
I want a say hello to all my compas que se encuentran en cualquier parte del gabacho,vamos a unirnos homies,let's represent our country,let's show a todos los putos that hate us that we are sus parents
y que viva my mexico ,Happy año nuevo carnales!
les escribe su bro el gorras,desde West New York !!!!!
ahi les dejo my e-mail homieboy183@aol.com
#22 la chilly
25.12.2003. 8:03:13
I wana shot out a few lines to my raza... Be proud of who you are. And dont let anyone bring you down, stay strong and tall just like the mexican flag porque si se puede. Y viva mexico!
#23 ChICaNaPiMp13
05.01.2004. 18:35:32
~*!*~ Que Viva Mexico Homies!!!!!!!!!!! Pura Raza Mexicana Its All About Green, White, N Red N Pure Brown Skin!!!!!!!!!!!! ~*!*~
#24 stef
07.01.2004. 23:28:51
i dont like green!
#25 maddhatter
07.01.2004. 23:29:55
green and pink are my favorite colors!!!
#26 maddhatter
07.01.2004. 23:31:02
so umm what do yall like to do for fun???
#27 maddhatter
07.01.2004. 23:31:42
i like to toke
#28 nt
22.01.2004. 23:31:11
i love the mexican flag
#29 nckj spring
28.01.2004. 22:27:43
Add your own comments, please.
The light and shadows don't add up. So how did you you fiddle it?
#30 nckj spring
28.01.2004. 22:39:08
I forgot to say that the added bits give them-selves away. Not usual for you to be so lazy. (I'll check the rest out later).
#31 browneyez20869
06.02.2004. 3:17:44
a mexicna flag is a very important thing to los mexicanos. i'm proud to be a mexicoana. i lovethe flag and me mexico.
08.02.2004. 10:40:28
#33 ChinitaMexicana
08.02.2004. 22:15:37
Viva Mexico!!!!!
Ever seen a Mexican chinese?!?!
#34 ~La ChICa~
10.02.2004. 1:14:37
HeY wHaT"s Up I aM vErY PrOuD tO SaY tHaT I aM MeXiCaN! wHEn I sEe ThIs FlAg It ReMiNdS mE oF wHo I aM aNd WhAt I wAs BoRn To RePrEsEnt!!!!!!! ThAt"S fOr aLl My MeXiCaN hOmIeZ!!!!!
#35 *Cute Latin Baby*
28.02.2004. 21:26:22
Proud to be 101% MEXICAN... never forget were i am frum though much respect to da americans...(as long as da pinche migra dont come along)
#36 bub
05.03.2004. 4:08:01
#37 saul jacobo
19.03.2004. 1:18:30
if you can could you have the picture of mexico but just the eagle next time.
#38 la smily
22.12.2004. 19:35:50
para todos los chiquitos mexicanos east side the mexican pride
#39 la flakiss
22.12.2004. 19:38:00
proud of being mexican per que somos chingones
un beso y abraso para todos los guapitos
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